At the St. Luke Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri.
So staff and volunteers at St Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, decided this year to find a way for their smallest patients to mark their first Halloween.
"He's our superhero and we call him Warrior William because he's such a little fighter," said Mrs Behnke.
Michelle Manuel, a spokesman for the hospital, said US charity March of Dimes had come up with the idea of the Halloween costumes.
And as you can imagine, the end result is both incredibly festive and absolutely heartwarming.These NICU Babies Win the Award for Most Adorable Halloween Costumes
From theStir.
"Now that she's 2 and a half, I am so glad I can go back and look at those pictures and see how far she's come," Schaumburg told CNN. "It's so important to remember how far these babies have come."
Is there anything cuter than these tiny NICU tots in Halloween costumes?An article from CNN